

Login / Create An Account

To login, type your email and password into the Login page. If you don't have an account, one will be created, and you'll receive a confirmation email.

Once logged in, choose Setup from the hamburger menu (next to the logo) 🛈

Image of Hamburger Menu

Add Events, Races, and Teams to Setup Page

On the Setup page
  1. Rename the pre-made event, leave all other settings alone. 🛈
  2. Scroll down to the "Races" section (right below event settings), and add the races you will be hosting, ie. Boys Varsity, Girls JV, Open Races.
  3. Under the "Teams" tab (right below the races section), add the teams that you are hosting. If you're in a league using the XCMeet Clip system, entering teams from your league will automatically add the racers from that school into your race.
Image of Event Settings Interface

Registering Racers

Each racer gets a clip, and should go onto the XCMeet website to the Register Racers page. Type in your clip code, ie. MerIsl for Mercer Island or Insain for Interlake 🛈 XCMeet will remember your athletes, meaning that next time, an athlete's information will automatically fill in for them.

Image of League Clips and Clip Codes

Recording Times

Download the XCMeet App. Make sure that the event date on the Setup page is set to today's date. 🛈
  1. Type in the event code, then find the "timer" section, ensure that you are recording the correct race 🛈
  2. When a time is recorded, a sound effect is made, so turn your phone volume up. We recommend turning up the volume before using the app, as on Android the volume buttons are used to denote finishing times and racers.
  3. "How do I stop the timer?". You don't. This is not a stopwatch, so don't worry that the time keeps ticking by.
  4. There should ideally be two timers, giving you a backup set of times and the ability to easily correct errors (such as if an athlete's time isn't recorded or one timer was late in recording a time) Watch this video for further information on how to correct errors Correcting Errors
  5. You want the timers to be using android phones, as although apple phones also work, android phones can record times using the phone's physical volume buttons, creating a more consistent timing experience.
Image of Timing Interface on XCMeet App
Image of Event Settings Interface
  • Volume Up Button or Start Button: Starts The Race
  • Volume Down Button or Finisher Button: Marks Down A Finishing Time
  • You can switch to the scanner page to adjust the sound volume

We don't want the timers to be marking the same mistake as each other, so they shouldn't count off runners out loud. Instead, they should occasionally check in with each other to see if their total number of times match up in order to determine if any errors were made. To see the system in action (watch this video: ) Timing Volunteer Video Overview

Assign a coach who understands the system to be the "race boss", this person will oversee the four parent volunteers. The race boss will edit results on the Results Editor page.

The timers can usually feel when they have hit the finisher button too many or too few times and should notify the boss. How To Use The Results Editor Practice beforehand and make sure that all the volunteers understand their roles

  • Multiple Heats, additional starts are counted as a separate heat, meaning that runners can run the same race with different start times
  • For Apple Users, because you cannot physically feel when the finisher button is pressed, it will be difficult to determine whether the correct number of times were recorded. If you want the physical feel, a Bluetooth or wired keyboard can be used instead ("s" for start and "f" for finisher)
  • Battery Life, make sure your devices are fully charged, when a race is started, the XCMeet app will run in the background even when your phone is off, so you can turn your phone off, and then when racers near the finish, turn your phone back on

Scanning Clips

Download the XCMeet App. Make sure that the event date in the Setup page is set to today's date. The date marker is located at the top of the page. Then go back to the XCMeet App and use the event code to log in. 🛈
Image of Event Settings Interface

  1. Choose "Scanner" on the bottom row How To Use The Scanner in XCMeet
  2. Make sure that the heat number is correct for the batch of runners that you are scanning.
  3. Position the QR code in the viewer. You'll hear a nice beep on success or a rude sound if the QR code was already read or is an invalid number.
  4. If you don't hear anything, check above the camera to see the last read code. The app won't beep for repeats
  5. If an athlete doesn't have a clip, you'll need to enter a name in place of their clip number in the input box or assign them a clip.
With the webpage:
  1. On the "Results Editor" page put the racer's name or number into the "Add Finishers:" box and hit enter (or click on "Insert At End"). 🛈
  2. The results will automatically update.
Image of Results Editor Interface

Finish Chute Setup

  • Mark your finishing chute with caution tape so that the finishers cannot leave until they have passed the scan station.
  • Make your finishing chute long so that finishers can coast to a stop without running over previous finishers
  • Have the chute funnel into a single lane so that kids line up in the correct order.
  • Tents, or at least umbrellas, are required to protect the phones from rain
  • Make sure that there are no stray clips in the background of your scanner, as this can lead to accidental scans
  • The goal at the finish chute is to ensure that racers are moving past without waiting for the scanner. In a large race, the clips will be arriving faster than you scan them. You need to make a queue of clips for the scanner, so that the racers are not queuing to hand off their clip.
  • To make this clip queue, we recommend using two hand towels to create a makeshift conveyor belt on the table. Have a helper that will take the clips from the racers and place them in a row on the towel on the table. After the scanner scans the clip, drop the clip into a discard box. Move the towel towards you until you've emptied that towel of clips. Now place the towel at the start of the table. Clip Scanning System Demonstration
  • Have some spare clips ready nearby for the few racers that show up without a clip. Scan one of those clips, and tell the racer their number. They can go to the Register Racers page at anytime to change that number into their name.
  • Practice timing with some spare clips before the racers show up

Editing Results

Type in the event code on the Results Editor page. You can add heat starts for the event, start time offsets, and new athletes into the results, or correct athletes' times and positions 🛈 You'll want to use the results editor anytime a mistake in the results is made (ie. an athlete's clip isn't scanned or a time is misrecorded).

Image of Results Editor Interface

The primary and backup times will be compared against each other, and any discrepancies in the times will be highlighted (using shades of red; dark red is a major difference, orange is a medium difference, and yellow is a light difference) Gray is used to highlight a pack of runners finishing together. 🛈

Image of Different Timing Highlights

Live Results

Go to the Live Results page. Live results can be withheld from the public by toggling the feature off in the Setup settings, this allows you to finalize results before they are released to the public. 🛈

If you want teams to have cross-country style scoring, enable it in the Setup page (photo), then choose the division to score on the Live Results page. (photo)

Image of Different Timing Highlights

Large Races over 150 runners

  • Ideally, large race groups (those with over 200 athletes) should be broken up to reduce volunteer workload and prevent a clogged finishing chute.
  • If your course allows for it, overlapping races can be run. Start one set of athletes, then a few minutes later, start another set of athletes, ensuring that the slowest of the first race won't be passed by the fastest of the second. The timers and scanners must pay attention to where the end of the first heat and start of the second heat is, and correspondingly switch the race they are recording in the XCMeet app.

Uploading to

Navigate to the Setup page, in the "Races" table on the far right side, you should see a "Download" button that will download a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. It can be directly uploaded to or other similar services 🛈

Image of Results Editor Interface

Mark Runner Feature in XCMeet App

If the XCMeet app you can "mark" an athlete. What this does is it highlights the next runner's position and their corresponding time. If the number of times and number of positions are the same, the two highlighted sections will line up

In the event that the highlighted portions aren't lined up, somewhere in the results you'll have an extra or missing time / position. By routinely marking , you will have a continuous check on whether the results are correct, as which ever section the marked highlighting becomes mismatched is where the error occured.

Instructing Volunteers


Usage of the splits system is documented here. Note that the manager of the race must share the altcode (not the event code) with the other participating teams for crowdsourced splits to work.