You can see the races that were reset in the dropdown above.
If there are any results that you want to recover, contact xcmeet
Used to fix a wrongly timed start.
If either the backup timer or timer starts at the wrong time, the "Start Time Offset" adds or subtracts
to the start time, adjusting it.
Times and Positions🛈
The times and positions will be inserted as two ordered sequences, with the inserted time being
sorted into the list in order. This means that if one time is not recorded, or if an extra time
is recorded, all times afterwards are matched with the wrong position.
You may insert a runner's name at a position, shifting later positions down, or update the position,
replacing the name there already. Make sure that the number of names and times match up with the number of
runners for each race.
Times in the primary time row will be highlighted grey if the runners appear to come in a pack.
Times in the backup time row will be highlighted red, orange, or yellow, depending on how different
it is from the corresponding primary time.
A backup timer is not required. If a backup timer starts timing in the middle of the race, the "Start time offsett"
can be used to shift the recorded backup times to be accurate.
Add Time:
Times will be inserted sequentially. This means that if one time is missed/added, the pairings of racers
to their times afterwards will not be correct.
If the primary timer started off time, use the "Start Time Offset" feature to correct it
A missed primary time may be inserted by selecting the backup time that it is missing and click
"insert backup".
The backup time will be compared to the main timer and the difference in times will be recorded in color.
0.4 - 0.75 seconds will be highlighted in yellow
0.75 - 1 seconds will be orange
1 - 2 seconds will be orange red
>2 seconds will be red
A missed backup time may be inserted by selecting the time that it is missing and clicking "insert backup".
If the primary timer started off time, use the "Start Time Offset" feature to correct it