
XCMeet Cross Country Timing System

XCMeet is the best cross country timing system.

  • The times and the order of the finishers are captured by the XCMeet app on your smart phone and automatically combined.
  • It is free and requires no special equipment.
  • Live results are available online for both spectators and racers immediately after an athlete finishes.
  • XCMeet also provides you with a file for uploading the results directly to One Click and Bam! You're done!
  • Volunteers can capture the racer's split times which will be displayed on the live results page.

Login to get started.

Scanning the finishing order

How XCMeet works

A race volunteer uses the XCMeet app to start the race and record finishing times.

After the finish, the racer hands their QR code to the scanner volunteer who scans the QR code with the app.

XCMeet merges the recorded positions and times to produce the results. These results can be easily uploaded to or other similar sites.

The racers and parents can see the live results from their smart phones. Click on Live Results above and enter "demo" for the event code to see an example. To see the team scores, choose "Division 1" from the "Scores" menu.

The racers get their QR code in one of two ways:

  1. You can buy these awesome clips from XCMeet. The racers will grab a clip, then go to and enter their name and clip number (see Register Racer above).
  2. You can print QR code sticker labels using the XCMeet website to use instead.
Create Your First Event!

Customer Reviews

Brandon Feist: Tacoma WA; “XCMeet makes race day smooth and easy. The scanning of the clips goes fast at the finish and live results during the race are awesome for our families!”

Jayme Miller: Issaquah WA; "XCMeet has been a game changer in the way we time our meets. Parents have enjoyed seeing the live results and XCMeet has saved me countless hours in entering in times from the hand held printing timers we used to use. XCMeet is easy to use for the student athletes and a time saver for coaches. A must have for any Cross country program."