
Prices and Clips

  • XCMeet is a free to use service, you will always be able to print out QR coded sticker labels and use them with the system
  • If you are looking for an upgrade, you can purchase these very cool clips, which aren't required but do allow for a more convenient and professional experience
  • Clips can be bought either attached to a specific team, or just for general use by a meet director
  • You want your kids to feel like this is a very important race, and these clips make it clear that just as you are just as serious as you want them to be serious when racing
  • They are small, light, and trivial to clip on and remove, but won't fall off and will last you many years
  • The racers will grab a clip (like on the bus ride to the meet or before they leave for their warmup), and then go to Register Racer (above) to enter their name and their clip
  • XCMeet is a free to use service, you will always be able to print out QR coded sticker labels and use them with the system
  • Each team in your league can have custom clips (Clip Designer, link), allowing for a team or a league to run all of their meets on the XCMeet system
  • Before ordering clips, we recommend that you are already familiar with the XCMeet system
  • If the other teams don't have XCMeet clips, you can print out QRCode sticker labels for them
  • The clips are 50 cents per clip (this should be somewhere just directly designed onto the page)

XCMeet is free to use

These very cool clips are available for purchase, but are not required. See clips for more information.